Friday 15 May 2015

Radio Shows

Hi to all of you visiting this site. You'll find many articles below that describe my time at the Military Hospital Tidworth. There I trained as a nurse, operating theatre technician, gained management experience and found my self managing the department that was responsible for supplying medical devices to wards, departments and operating theatres for use in surgery. Marvellous experience. It was also the place in which I learned, to my absolute surprise, that I wanted to get involved in radio work.

Don't ask me how or why.It was one of those things hat just happened. In another article I'll go into it a bit deeper and discuss my progress in that area.

In he meantime, here's a link to some of my more recent radio shows that are available on Mixcloud. Please feel free to visit as often as you'd like, and even tell a friend about it. 

Thanks again for calling by.

Saturday 31 January 2015

Whats Coming Next on WiganFM?

Whitstable Harbour
Whitstable Harbour (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Its the last day of January 2015 as I write this. A wet wild windy and occasionally snowy month for us here in Whitstable.

Its also a busy month. Lots of family things going on, as well as producing shows for Wiganfm. Each week I present 3 shows, 2 hours each, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. They start at 10am UK time and finish at 12md. 

In the first hour of the show we'l have your favourite love songs and a featured artist for the day, as well as your dedications. At 11am, we move on to a new feature which will run for three weeks. On Mondays it will be "Country Connection," the best there is in country music. On Tuesday at 11am its "Let There Be ROCK," and on Wednesday morning we'll move on to Jazz. As you know, Jazz come in many size definitely doesn't fit all. I play a wide variety of types to suit all tastes.

To Join me, just type into your search engine and we'll be together in no time at all. If you want to listen via your pad or smartphone, download the Tunein radio for wiganfm. 

I look forward to us getting together on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

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Wednesday 28 January 2015

Hello and Welcome To My Radio

Hello, and thank you for visiting. Many things have happened since I last posted on this site. One major event is that I have returned to international broadcasting, which I left behind way back in 1998.

The reason for leaving was that my work in commercial radio was impacting on my work in management in the National Health Service in UK.

Happily, that is all in the past. I now am back, working with a radio station called Wiganfm. If this link does not take you directly you to the page, please just type into you browser. It is based in Wigan, which is in north west England.It is what is know as a Community Radio Station. I work on three mornings each week. They are Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. My shows are at 10am UK time and last for two hours. 

If you would like to join me, please just search for in your browser, or you can download the Tunein radio app to your smartphone, pad, computer or laptop.

I'll update this page more often as the days go by. I look forward to your visiting 

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